Message from the CEO of Alveda Music for the artistsMessage from the CEO of Alveda Music for the artistsMessage from the CEO of Alveda Music for the artists

March 29, 2020 - Music Industry

I would like to say thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart to everyone for supporting the label group all these years! All the artists, new and old. Also the most important people, our fans and all the people supporting the label and each artist. I understand that everyone is fighting these days on that global crisis of the COVID-19 and we hope to return back to our normal lives.

We did some changes on our contracts in order to develop and promote more than ever before our artists with their corporation. An investment VIP Program launched few months ago with huge success and the new standard contract that may change everything like never before.

On yesterday we hit the largest number of our history and we will do our best to continue on that way. Our strongest partner, Blissworld Entertainment Greece helped us to increase our marketing range on maximum. Our teams work as one family and there are even more moves forward for further plans.

It’s really important for a CEO of a record company to have always direct contacts with his artists and his partners, even on a small company like ours. That’s the reason of being in that position. My plans for life are very simple, having a nice studio for creating music, a nice job (my label), a nice home, a nice car and a nice family.

With all these great artists on our catalog, it’s time to announce a contest for the best artists of the year. The first day of December we will offer 10 prizes for the “Producers of the year”. All artists signed with the new standard contract (and the VIP Program) are suitable and may be considered to be on the list depending on the number of songs signed with us, the positions on charts, their progress etc.  You can find the contest here:

Thank you again for supporting Alveda Music! Stay home and safe.

Falcos Panagiotis,

CEO and President of Alveda Music

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