We collect data from our website visitors that will be saved in our Google Analytics account. We merely use this information to analyze the functionality and use of our website. These details are not shared with third parties and the information is solely used to provide you with a better website experience. We have a processor agreement with Google Analytics and do not share any of your information with Google, neither do we use Google’s services in combination with a Google Analytics cookie.
We send out a weekly newsletter outlining our latest releases. In addition, we also send out newsletters providing subscribers with information about new album releases or interesting Alveda Music related news.
For this newsletter you can subscribe on our website via a form or by using the Alveda Music DemoBox. We ask you for your first name to be able to personalize the newsletter in addition to your e-mail address. Your contact information is solely used to send you our weekly mailings and will not be shared with third parties.
We will save your contact information until you unsubscribe from our mailing list. This option will be provided in every newsletter we send your way. You can always request insight, a rectification or for us to delete your contact information. We can use your e-mail address for marketing purposes on Facebook, but this is all anonymous and will not result in any extra messages or spam.
Our Facebook page automatically collects data from the people who visit our page or respond to our posts. We use this information to get insights in the reach, engagement and general performance of our page and to make ads more specific for our target groups (like country, interests etc.). If you have any questions regarding our Facebook analytics use, please contact office@alvedamusic.com